“We, the Reconciling Community of Disciples United Methodist Church, embrace the Methodist spirit and action of “Open Hearts, Open Minds, Open Doors”.
We affirm that all persons are beloved children of God.
We celebrate the rich diversity with which God has blessed his people which includes all sexual orientations, gender identities and gender expressions.
We support the full inclusion of all persons into the community of the church so that the gift of love may be celebrated with marriage and the call to ministry sanctioned by ordination.”
DUMC's Reconciling Community meets weekly in the Adult Sunday School room two doors down from the kitchen after worship to deepen our understanding of ways we can open our hearts, minds and doors to LGBTQ+ persons and other marginalized individuals to build a more inclusive Church. Please check the bulletin or E-News for the schedule and study topics. Contact Laura Godfrey, lauraegodfrey1@gmail.com, to be added to the DUMC Reconciling Community email list.